ÉPARAÁPAR@`ÿÿÿÿÿÿ9TEXT`+Wright, Frances 1795Ð1852 reformer Born in Dundee, Scotland, on September 6, 1795, Frances Wright was the daughter of a well-to-do merchant and political radical who had circulated the works of Thomas Paine. Her parents died and left her and a sister a fortune when she was two, and they were reared in London and Devon by conservative relatives. At twenty-one she returned to Scotland to live with a great-uncle, a professor of philosophy at Glasgow College. There she read widely and wrote some youthful romantic verse and A Few Days in Athens, 1822, a novelistic sketch of a disciple of Epicurus that outlined the materialistic philosophy to which she adhered throughout her life. In August 1818, in preference to a suggested European grand tour, she sailed with her sister for America for a two-year visit, during which her play Altorf, on the subject of Swiss independence, was produced in New York City. The enthusiasm of her highly laudatory and widely read Views of Society and Manners in America, published in England in 1821, won her the friendship of the Marquis de Lafayette, whom she visited in France in 1821. She timed her return to New York on a second trip in 1824 to coincide with his triumphal tour of the country and followed him on his entire journey. She joined him in visits with Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. Slavery was discussed, and they approved in general of her plan for gradual emancipation through purchase and colonization. In 1825 Wright published A Plan for the Gradual Abolition of Slavery in the United States without Danger of Loss to the Citizens of the South, which urged Congress to set aside tracts of land for the purpose. In December 1825, by way of demonstrating her plan, she invested a large part of her fortune in a 640-acre tract in western Tennessee (near present-day Memphis) that she called Nashoba. Slaves were purchased in 1825 and established at the Nashoba community with the promise of eventual freedom. The colony got off to a poor start from which it never recovered. During Frances WrightÕs absence in 1827 owing to ill health, a scandal broke over charges of free love; on her return to Nashoba in company with Frances Trollope in January 1828 she found a ruin. After publishing a widely reprinted newspaper article defending her idea she left Nashoba for Robert Dale OwenÕs socialist community at New Harmony, Indiana. In 1830 she returned to arrange for the emancipation of the Nashoba slaves and their colonization in Haiti. She helped edit OwenÕs New Harmony Gazette and took to the lecture platform, an activity then considered scandalous for a woman. Her Course of Popular Lectures (1829 and 1836) attacked religion, church influence in politics, and authoritarian education and defended equal rights for women and the replacement of legal marriage by a union based on moral obligation. In 1829 she settled in New York City, where with Owen she published the Free Enquirer and led the free-thinking movement, calling for liberalized divorce laws, birth control, free education run by the state, and the political organization of the working classes. She lectured regularly in her ÒHall of Science,Ó a converted church on Broome Street. Her educational proposals, outlined in her Address on the State of the Public Mind, 1829, won respectable support, but others of her ideas (notably birth control) continued to feed hysterical attacks on her in newspapers and from pulpits. She assisted in the formation of the Association for the Protection of Industry and for the Promotion of National Education, a pioneer workingmenÕs organization, in the summer of 1829. In 1830 she sailed to France with her failing sister, who died a short time later. In July 1831 she married Guillaume Sylvan Casimir Phiquepal DÕArusmont, a physician she had first met at New Harmony, and she remained with him in Paris until 1835. In that year they returned to the United States and settled in Cincinnati. In 1836 and 1838 she took to the platform in support of the Democratic party and in particular of President Andrew JacksonÕs attack on the Bank of the United States. Her own lecture courses attracted little attention, however. Over the next dozen years she traveled frequently between the United States and France. She and her husband were divorced in 1850. She died in Cincinnati on December 13, 1852. fstyl`!5ª5ª5ª$!I!I%!IF!IL!I• 5ª–!IÍ!Iô!Ià 5ªÄ!IÝ!IQ!I 5ª!I Ô 5ª Õ!I ì!I ÿ!I [!I u!I Œ!I ™!I Î!I õ!IM 5ªN!Ilink`